Surya Namaskar Yoga Aasan

Surya Namaskar Yoga Aasan. Surya namaskar means sun salutation. Surya namaskar a is the most basic sun salutation.

Yoga….the spiritual art. – The Indian Myths and traditions.
Yoga….the spiritual art. – The Indian Myths and traditions. from hindupurana.files.wordpress.com

The surya namaskar (sun salutation) is a series of 12 yoga poses meant to give praise to the sun. Surya means sun and namaskar means salutation. You can use the basic sequence as the main foundation for any vinyasa.

Unless otherwise noted, movement from one pose to.

Precisely speaking, surya namaskar yoga encompasses 12 steps or hatha yoga asanas. First and utmost importat yog aasan is surya namaskar. By practicing the sun salutation. Surya namaskar steps consists of important yogasanas and pranayama.